Monday, March 28, 2016

My new little adventure

My new little adventure is chickens. I have had them for 5 days now and we love them. It's definitely different but fun. Today I got the colored bands in for them so we can tell them apart. We have 4 chickens and we have four kids so they all get to name one tonight. We color coded them. Im so in love with these birds. They tend to be a little stinky in the mornings before i clean their cages but they are just glorious and intriguing little ladies. It's like going on an egg hunt daily when we check thier boxes for eggs lol. Funny story: The day i went to get them i brought them home in my dogs pet taxies and I made a stop at TSC to get some pine chips and lime. When the dude was loading this stuff in my truck one of the hens just went a little mad. She started cackling and wagging her booty and flapping her feathers. I didnt know whey so i started talking to them to calm them down and when i got home i looked in the taxi and my brother and I realized she was laying an egg lol. thats the picture you see of me holding the egg from the truck ride home. I was tickled. My first egg lol on the first hour of having my chickens.  

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